online platform

LearnU AI - documentation

Our vision is to create a platform that enables users to manage knowledge easily and intuitively, regardless of their technical level or the size of the enterprise.


UI/UX Design, Web Development


April 2024


Implementation description

The LearnU AI project is an innovative platform changing the way corporate and personal knowledge is managed, utilizing advanced artificial intelligence technologies. It allows users to manage collected data intuitively and effectively, answering questions in natural language and offering personalized responses through continuous learning from interactions.


Used Technologies

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Used for building a dynamic and responsive user interface.

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JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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Enables secure and efficient communication between frontend and backend.

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A tool for efficient data searching using semantic vectors.

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A set of tools for integrating AI with applications, supporting automation and data analysis.

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An online interface design tool with collaboration features.

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Platform supporting online payments and subscriptions.

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Used for efficient and safe work with databases.

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Visual Identification

Color palette




Graphic Sign

The LearnU AI logo is a clear reflection of our mission, which involves personalizing the educational experience. The letter 'U' in the name represents the word 'You', emphasizing our commitment to an individual approach to each user. We strive to make our application adapt to your unique needs, learning style, and preferences. In this way, LearnU AI is not just an educational tool, but a partner that 'learns you' to deliver the most effective and personalized learning experience.

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detailed description of the implementation


Welcome to the world of LearnAi, an innovative project that is changing the way companies and individual users manage corporate and personal knowledge. In the information age, where data is the new gold, LearnAi aims to simplify and optimize the process of collecting, processing, and utilizing information through advanced artificial intelligence technologies.

Vision and Mission of the Project

Our vision is to create a platform that enables users to manage knowledge easily and intuitively, regardless of their technical level or the size of their enterprise. We strive to make LearnAi a global leader in intelligent solutions for knowledge management, supporting the personal and professional development of our users. The mission of LearnAi is to simplify access to information and knowledge in companies and personal life through innovative use of AI technology, enabling users to quickly find answers to their questions and effectively manage accumulated data.

Inspiration and Market Need

The idea for the LearnAi project originated from observing the growing demand for effective knowledge management tools in the dynamically changing world of business and technology. Faced with the data avalanche that organizations of all sizes contend with, there is an urgent need to create a solution that enables quick processing and access to key information.

Description of the Main Idea and Innovation of the Project

LearnAi utilizes the latest achievements in artificial intelligence to offer users an intelligent tool for managing knowledge. The innovation of the project lies in combining advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to create an interactive company profile that "learns" and evolves with each interaction.

Functionalities and Capabilities of the Platform

LearnAi offers a wide range of functionalities, including:

  • Creating intelligent corporate profiles.
  • Processing and analyzing video, audio, and text files.
  • The ability to ask questions in natural language and receive personalized responses.
Scope of Technologies Used in the Project

The project is based on a modern technological stack, including:

  • Next.js - This is a React-based framework that enables easy creation of optimized web applications with server-side rendering and static page generation, significantly improving performance and SEO.
  • React - A popular JavaScript library used for creating interactive user interfaces. With reusable components, it allows for efficient and modular interface construction.
  • tRPC - Enables the creation of applications with type-safe communication between the frontend and backend without the need for defining a REST or GraphQL API, simplifying development processes.
  • Pinecone - This is a semantic vector management service that allows the creation of scalable solutions for search, recommendation, and personalization, using advanced similarity algorithms.
  • OpenAI - Provides advanced AI models, such as GPT-3, which can be used for natural language processing (NLP), text analysis, and other machine learning tasks, enhancing interaction and automation capabilities.
  • Prisma - A modern ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool that facilitates database schema management, query execution, and migration handling, significantly improving development processes when working with databases.
  • Stripe - A comprehensive payment platform that enables easy and secure online payment processing, subscription management, invoicing, and handling payments in various currencies, which is crucial for global web applications.

Impact on the Market and Industry

LearnAi has the potential to revolutionize the knowledge management market by offering solutions that are not only innovative but also easy to implement and use. The project can significantly impact industries that rely on quick access to current and accurate information.

Potential Applications and Competitive Advantage

Due to its universality and scalability, LearnAi finds application in a variety of sectors - from corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises. Its advantage over competing solutions lies in the unique combination of AI technology, intuitive UX/UI, and the ability to continuously learn and adapt to user needs.


The LearnAi project revolutionizes the way companies and individual users can manage corporate and personal knowledge through advanced AI technologies. A key element is the intelligent company profile, which serves as a center for collecting, processing, and analyzing data.

Creating a Company Profile

The user begins by creating a company profile, which is an intuitive and guided process designed to optimize the user experience and tailor the platform's functionality to specific business needs and objectives.

Processing and Posting Files

Once the profile is ready, the user can upload conference materials, PDF documents, tables in various formats, including video. These files are automatically processed by LearnAi, which converts the content to text and then to semantic vectors. This allows for efficient knowledge management and quick retrieval of needed information.

Interaction with the System

The system allows asking questions in natural language and receiving precise responses, thanks to advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms. An example might be a question about details discussed at a conference several months earlier, to which the system will respond using the context accumulated in the company profile.

System Architecture

The project is based on a modern technological stack, including Next.js and React for the frontend, which ensures fast and responsive interaction with the user. For the backend, we use tRPC, which allows type-safe communication between the client and server.

Integration with Pinecone and OpenAI

The use of Pinecone allows for efficient management of semantic vectors, which is crucial for precise data search and analysis. OpenAI supports the machine learning process, allowing the system to continuously refine and tailor responses to user needs.

Using Prisma and Stripe

Prisma is used for efficient and secure database management, while Stripe integrates the payment system, enabling easy management of subscriptions and premium services.

Data Security

All data transmitted and stored by the system is encrypted using modern cryptographic techniques. Additionally, regular security audits and compliance with general data protection regulations (GDPR) ensure protection against unauthorized access and data leaks.

Privacy Policy

LearnAi places great importance on privacy and transparency in processing user data. The privacy policy details what data is collected, how it is used, and how users can manage their information.

Anticipated Directions for Development

The vision for the future development of the LearnAi project focuses on several key areas, including:

  • Extending the range of recognized data formats so that users can upload and analyze an even wider range of materials.
  • Integration with additional business tools and platforms, which will enable automatic downloading and analysis of data from various sources, providing an even more comprehensive overview of corporate information.
  • Developing collaboration features, allowing users to jointly manage knowledge and projects within the platform, increasing the efficiency of team work.
  • Introducing advanced customization and configuration options for the company profile, giving users even greater control over the processing and presentation of data.

The LearnAi project represents a breakthrough in the field of knowledge management, offering an innovative solution that combines advanced artificial intelligence technologies with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.By leveraging the latest achievements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, LearnAi enables companies and individual users to effectively collect, process, and analyze data in various formats, ensuring quick access to needed information and personalized responses.

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